Manifesting the King
A Present Truth Study of the Gospel of Matthew.
God has been speaking to His people in such a way that even the most studied texts of scripture are being revealed in newer, more profound ways. A generation of the sons of God is walking the earth, operating in the power and authority given to them by their Creator and Savior. Never before has the church seen the manifestation of Christ in their lives as is being experienced in this era. The Body of Christ has much for which to be thankful.
As the Lord presents His truths to us, from glory to glory, it becomes necessary to reexamine the doctrines and theologies of previous generations, allowing the Spirit to reveal new light to our traditions and familiarities. This volume is the product of such illumination.
By looking at the Gospel of Matthew in light of much of what has been revealed to God’s people, I hope to present a commentary and exegesis of the scripture in such a way that the reader is able to see new spiritual truths in this well-studied text. You will encounter a King whose primary objective in residing in man was to bring restoration to the family of God by replacing the servanthood of the old covenant for the sonship of the new. It is my earnest prayer that as you study this writing you will develop a knowledge of not only who you are in Christ, but more importantly, who Christ is in you.
God loves everyone. NO EXCEPTIONS!